Koreanjournal » Astercoin (ATC) announces investment attraction from Singapore investment company ‘Tembusu Partners’

Astercoin (ATC) announces investment attraction from Singapore investment company ‘Tembusu Partners’

[Samuel Chung, Journalist of Koreanjournal, ten@tenspace.co.kr] On March 3rd, 2022, TSnet (CEO Kang Bong-Jun), the operator of the world’s first real-economy interlocking virtual real estate exchange MetaREX, announced that Tembusu Partners, a Singapore investment company, has invested in TSnet’s ‘Aster (ATC).’ This is the second investment following Klaytn, the first Korean project invested by Tembusu Partners.

Aster Blockchain is used in the virtual real estate exchange ‘metaREX’ and the metaverse platform ‘metalive’. “‘metaREX’, a virtual real estate service launched in Korea in July last year, achieved sales of 820,000 US dollars and is expecting a maximum of 1 million US dollars in sales this year,” TSnet Singapore official said.

The virtual real estate purchased from ‘metaREX’ is implemented in the virtual world of the ‘metalive’ Platform. ‘metalive’ is a metaverse platform that mixes virtual and reality using real-time cameras. It is scheduled to be launched in Korea in May of this year.

‘metalive’ and ‘metaREX’ will jointly launch a business in Singapore next year with Tembusu. Furthermore, TSnet’s CTO Paul Koh said, “With Singapore as the center of our business, we plan to enter Southeast Asia, the United States and Europe.”

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