Koreanjournal » NFT Combines Metabus Tourism…TENSPACE, Awesomepia Signs MOU

NFT Combines Metabus Tourism…TENSPACE, Awesomepia Signs MOU

[Samuel Chung, Journalist of Koreanjournal, ten@tenspace.co.kr] Experts in the fields of Extended Reality (XR), Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Full-service advertising agencies has united.

In March, Tenspance (CEO JinSeok Koh), a blockchain and AI based fintech company, signed a contract with Awesomepia (CEO Moonho Min), a XR based innovation company currently on the spotlight for signing a “Healing Tour Metaverse” business contract with Lotte Group’s Daehong.

JinSeok Koh, CEO of Tenspacce, earned his Batchelor’s degree in Computer Science at Seoul National University. He was the CTO of “I Love School”, world’s first SNS, and was selected as five global leaders of the top cryptocurrency exchange by Huobi. Tenspace also received attention in 2020 when it was selected as part of the Cool Vendor for Gartner AI Banking and Investment Services.

After setting up a XR telescope, BORA, in Paju Dora Observatory, Awesomepia has signed a contracted with Lotte Group’s full-service advertising agency, Daehong, to set up a thousand more XR telescope throughout South Korea. They are now planning to launch virtual tour Metaverse (aka Healing Tour). As a global trend, “3D virtual world” (Metaverse) market size is expected to reach $280 billion (315 trillion won) by 2025.

With the Corona-depression spreading as a social issue, the healing tour Metaverse seeks to provide healing and comfort through virtual tourism and meditation. With a XR background, a combination of both VR and AR, Healing Tour Metaverse communicates through AI human and is a collection of ICT technologies promoting economic activities using blockchain and NFT.

As Tenspace joins the Awesomepia Healing Tour Metaverse, professional investment institutions and VC (Venture Capital) are showing interest.

Meanwhile, Astercoin (ATC), owned by Tenspace, has been listed on Bithumb Global last year. MoonHo Min, CEO of Awesomepia, has been building trust with Tenspace by investing in them and based on their firm relationship, they are expected to grow the Healing Tour Metaverse into a global platform.

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