Koreanjournal » TENSPACE selected as ‘Cool Vendor for 2020 Gartner AI Banking and Investment Services’

TENSPACE selected as ‘Cool Vendor for 2020 Gartner AI Banking and Investment Services’

Global IT research firm Gartner Inc. has selected TENSPACE’s ASTER solution as part of the “2020 Cool Vendors in Gartner Banking and Investment Services”. At the end of April, it officially announced four companies that were selected as ‘Cool Vendors’ in the AI sector, introducing innovative technological updates. The selected companies were Axyon AI (Italy), Eigen Technologies (U.K), Social (U.S) and Tenspace, where it was the only domestic company to be selected.

For the Gartner Cool Vendors selection, Tenspace has conducted two rounds of vendor briefing with British and Taiwanese analysts; vendor briefing is designed for Gartner to inform its analysts of various international vendors’ solutions and technologies.

Gartner analyses vendors operating in various industries that require IT and IoT(Internet of Things) technologies, such as security, healthcare, industrial sites and mobile, and delivers the information to end users through magic quadrant and cool vendor. Gartner’s report is quoted daily by media outlets around the world and is known to be thoroughly reviewed when end-users around the globe select their IT vendor.

Gartner introduced Tenspace as “analyses social media data using AI tools to improve decision making on three scenarios: alternative credit scoring, anti-money laundering tracking and loan service”. In particular, the company praised Tenspace’s approach to using social media for having a more advanced technology than other vendors (suppliers).

Tenspace holds two patents related to “user evaluation methods and systems based on social network analysis”, and three more patents are also underway in the U.S, China and Japan. In 2019, Tenspace signed export contracts with Strait Financial Group, a financial institution in Chicago USA, and Nanhua Futures, and is currently seeking to enter markets in Singapore, Vietnam, China and Japan.

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