Koreanjournal » Girls’ Generation without Jessica Jung

Girls’ Generation without Jessica Jung


Representatives from K-pop’s largest management agency, SM Entertainment, have officially confirmed that popular K-pop starlet Jessica will no longer be a part of the girl group Girls’ Generation, according to a statement released on Tuesday.

Girls’ Generation member Jessica received the throwing out notice from an agency S.M in Weibo. The controversy about this event is growing serious.

“I was excited about our upcoming fan events only to shockingly be informed by my company and 8 others that as of today, I’m no longer a member. I’m devastated.” Jessica wrote in Weibo.

‘I received a hurt from the believe people and I am sad.’ She reacted to the comment of the fans in this way.

The group’s eight members -Taeyeon, Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and Yoona -held the fan event “2014 Girls’ Generation First Fan Party” in Shenzhen, China, on Tuesday, without Jessica.

SM officials stated that they could not find a way to keep the nine members together due to clashes in priorities and interests over Jessica’s personal fashion business and the group’s activities. Although Jessica will no longer participate as a member of Girls’ Generation, she will continue to pursue solo activities under the management of SM Entertainment, the agency said.

About Girls’ Generation: Formed in 2007, Girls’ Generation has become one of K-pop’s best-recognized acts, starting with their hit single “Gee” in 2009. The group gained popularity in other Asian countries.

KoreanJournal. Anthony kim [gbk@koreanjournal.net]]

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