New Investment Guide for 2023 Provides Latest Information for Investing in Korea

[D.C.Bang] On the 20th, KOTRA (President Yoo Jung-yell) released the “Foreign Investment Guide for 2023,” a comprehensive resource providing the latest information on all stages of foreign investment in Korea. This includes establishing a business entity, location guidance, incentives such as tax reductions, and business operations, including personnel and labor systems.

Since 2011, KOTRA’s General Administrative Support Centre has annually published the Guide, which has become an essential reference for foreign investors considering entering Korea. Investment promotion organizations also use it as a necessary manual for guiding foreign-invested companies.

The booklet will be published in Korean, English, Chinese, and Japanese and distributed to interested companies in coordination with local governments, free economic zone authorities, and Korean missions. A free PDF version will also be available for download on KOTRA’s Invest KOREA website.

“We hope that this booklet will facilitate foreign investors in their decision-making and help expand their investments in Korea,” said Lee Kyung-Sik, head of KOTRA’s General Administrative Support Centre.

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