Koreanjournal » Zero-Pay Merchants in Korea Benefit from New Affordable and Convenient Delivery Services

Zero-Pay Merchants in Korea Benefit from New Affordable and Convenient Delivery Services

[D.C. Chung ten@tenspace.co.kr] Starting now, 1.65 million zero-pay merchants in Korea will have improved access to affordable and convenient door-to-door delivery services.

The Korea Secure Payments Agency (KSSA) has announced the launch of a new service that aims to alleviate the pain points of managing small businesses for zero-pay merchants.

These new services, including home delivery, job recruitment and search, and sales register, offer reliable, low-cost solutions by signing a representative contract with an affiliate on behalf of zero-pay merchants.

Small businesses struggling to empty their stores can benefit from door-to-door delivery, facilitated by the business partnership between Hanwha and Hanjin Express. With just one click on the ‘Zero Pay Merchant App,’ merchants can easily access the service, which costs at least 10% and up to 38% less than individual applications.

The Job Search service provides a platform for recruiting part-time and short-term workers, with a free monthly coupon worth 20,000 won.

The Sales Ledger service integrates card sales, online (delivery) sales, and other services, available for free.

The new ZeroPay business management service is accessible through the ZeroPay merchant app and will support six additional services, including tax, legal, labor, marketing, design, and joint purchasing within the year.

Choi Tong-joo, stated, “Through active service discovery and partner recruitment, we will continue to strive to provide high-quality, cost-effective business management and support services that help small businesses run stable stores.”

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